This page lists local, reliable and competent fully qualified Milton Keynes based BSL interpreters who work in and around the East Midlands.
British Sign Language (BSL) is one of the official languages in the UK. According to, there are 11 million people who are deaf or hard of hearing and the number is growing each year. This makes the demand for qualified British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters exceptionally high.
We believe that consumers of interpreting services are entitled to value for money. The best way to achieve this is by booking interpreters directly. Booking through agencies adds costs that make BSL interpreting unnecessarily expensive.
Local BSL Interpreter list:
Qualified BSL interpreters adhere to professional codes of conduct. The interpreters that are listed are all registered with the National Register of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD). All the interpreters featured on this page adhere to high professional standards and complete regular professional training to maintain interpreting standards.
You will see that each interpreter can provide communication support in a variety of domains including deaf employees.
You can contact the interpreters directly to obtain details of their fees. As an indication of the type of fees that may be charged please refer to the Nubsli website. Please bear in mind that the nature and complexity of an interpreting booking determine the fee charged by an individual interpreter.

Julie Cresswell
I have experience of interpreting in a wide range of domains, such as training, medical/dental, education, therapy, community, business and social work. I am happy to work in some community Mental Health bookings, such as initial assessments and on-going therapy, but not institutional Mental Health work such as tribunals, or legal work. I am able to provide remote interpreting services if needed. You can also contact me via LinkedIn. Email:

Naomi Barry
I am available to work across all domains including medical, religious services, education, employment and so on. I can also provide remote interpreting, if needed. Email:

Colette Burgess
I work in a number of domains including medical, social services, employment/ office support, theatre/ media, religious and many more. I am able to provide remote interpreting as I have the necessary equipment for video relay. You can also contact me via LinkedIn Email:

Tom Hill
I work in a number of domains including medical, Social Services, Access to Work e.g. training courses and government bookings. Knowledge and experience from previous jobs include media/editing and dog training. You can also contact me via LinkedIn Email:

Debbie Jakeman
I am able to work across a number of domains but work specifically in education supporting students in University. I can provide video relay interpreting using any of the current platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. I have specialist knowledge in supporting and engaging Third Sector organisations. You can contact me via LinkedIn.
Remote interpreting:
BSL interpreters have adapted their services to include remote interpreting (via video call). BSL Interpreters on this page have indicated if they are able to provide this service.
Working with Sign Language Interpreters:
Sign Language (BSL) interpreters train for up to ten years to achieve fully qualified status There are only 4 fully qualified interpreters in
Milton Keynes providing interpreting services for around 1000 sign language users (if you include other areas such as Bedford and Luton,
interpreters provide services to around 5,000 sign language users).
Specialist agencies:
Be aware that demand can often outstrip the supply of interpreters.
Alternatively, there are specialist BSL interpreting agencies such as Clarion, Remark or R.A.D.
Other interpreting services include video relay interpreting agencies such as Signlive and Signvideo.
You can also read our helpful hints guide for tips on how to work with BSL interpreters.
You can find out more about BSL Interpreter professional standards, codes of conduct and the importance of access for the Deaf Community: