Deaf employees in the workplace

If your organisation is working towards principles such as inclusion and diversity, deaf employees can enhance your organisation’s offer to the public. The only limitation to any deaf person is the limit you place on a potential employee due to your own ideas about deafness (also known as unconscious bias).  Each person manages their hearing […]

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Deaf employees: adjustments at work

Tips to help create a positive work environment for deaf/hard of hearing employees at meetings, training and generally at work: Tips to help create a positive work environment for deaf/hard of hearing employees atmeetings, training and generally at work Before the Meeting: · Consider the layout of the room (i.e. circular seating) in order to

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Hearing consumers need subtitles too

After reading the Limping Chicken blog on cinema subtitles and seeing one of our community members experience difficulties at the cinema, we thought we would add our views on the subject. Subtitles are more than ‘a deaf issue’. By limiting access to films, deaf and hard of hearing customers, their families and friends are also affected.  There are other

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volunteer showing his mk deaf zone tshirt

Deaf History in Milton Keynes

Local Deaf history is just as important as national deaf history. Milton Keynes deaf history is slightly different to other towns and cities in that Milton Keynes is a ‘new town’ (and now officially a city) so the roots of the deaf community stem from people coming together from across the UK to form a

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Accessible Deaf Health Information

Accessible Deaf health information is important to keeping the Deaf Community well. We have listed a number of websites that you can use to access interpreters or to find more information about health conditions. BSL Health Access NHS 111 Sign Health Sign Health-Psychotherapy Healthy Eating Diabetes Dementia Healthy Heart Keeping Fit NHS 111 (BSL): You

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