Deaf employees: adjustments at work

Tips to help create a positive work environment for deaf/hard of hearing employees at meetings, training and generally at work:

Tips to help create a positive work environment for deaf/hard of hearing employees at
meetings, training and generally at work

Before the Meeting:

· Consider the layout of the room (i.e. circular seating) in order to provide good communication.
· Ideally, use a room where a hearing loop has been fitted.
· Hold meetings in a quiet, well-lit room.
· Ask deaf or hard-of-hearing employees if they prefer an interpreter.
· Let deaf employees determine the best seating arrangement to see the speaker and interpreter.
· Assign a person to inform deaf or hard-of-hearing employees of important announcements

During the Meeting

Point to the person who is speaking.
· Watch for signals that deaf or hard-of-hearing employees wish to contribute.
· Ensure that one person speaks at a time.
· Do not pace while giving a presentation.
· Speak clearly and slowly.
· Do not talk with your back to the audience while writing on a whiteboard.
. Keep jargon to a minimum

After the Meeting

Have minutes or notes taken for future reference.
· Review critical issues introduced in a meeting to ensure understanding.


Use hands-on demonstrations to assist in training.
· Allow extra time for communication when training.
· Provide an outline of the training session.
· Assign a mentor to work directly with deaf or hard-of-hearing employees during the training period.


· Incorporate visual aids, demonstrations, flip charts, written agendas, and handouts in presentations
· Use appropriate captioning on video clips.

In Case of Emergency

Use a buddy system to alert deaf or hard-of-hearing employees to emergency situations.
· Install flashing lights to work in conjunction with auditory alarms.
· Review safety procedures, including exits and alarms.
· Use texting, e-mail or pager to contact deaf or hard-of-hearing employees in the event of an emergency.
· Notify security if deaf or hard-of-hearing employees are alone in work areas.

Source: National Technical Institute for the Deaf National Center on Employment